Miranda is so funny. She is always asking to us to kiss her "boo-boo's". I think she may even make some of them up. They are usually on her head, hands, or toes. It amazes me that she can wack her head pretty good, and run to us to get a kiss, and she is just fine. Today I patted her on the butt because she was being cute. She jumped up and said, "kiss, kiss"and turned her back to me. I knew she wanted me to kiss her on the back end. I told her no no, and laughed, so she ran and tried it on Daryl. He just laughed at her too. She just went on and played.
Molly hasn't gotten to that stage yet. I kiss where she hurts, but she doesn't ask for it yet. It doesn't calm her down like it does Miranda. I guess it is a stage they grow into and out of.
Speaking of kisses, Molly has started to give kisses. They are open month to the check kisses. They are very cute, but wet and sloppery. I still remember her first kiss she gave Daryl. We were at a park and started what we thought was a short hike. Well with two toddlers, no hike is short. We only brought one stroller, because we didn't think Miranda would get tired. Well she did, and it turned out to be uphill most of the way back to the car. We decided it would be easier to take Molly out of the stroller and put Miranda in, and let Daryl carry Molly. As soon as he picked her up she planted a great big kiss on his check. It was as if she was very greatful to get out of that stroller. It surprised him so much that he had a little more adrenaline to get back to the car.
AWW! Yes I remember those open mouth wet kisses before they get the pucker down. How sweet!