Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog update

They are playing tickle here.

I have been asked to update the blog. So here we go...

We are not potty training at the moment. I got a nasty cold so it all stopped because I was feeling too tired. I am better now. She has asked to sit on the potty, and we have let her, but still nothing in the potty. She has sat on the potty then got up and immediately peed in the floor. So it is on going. I figure maybe this Saturday, since we aren't doing anything else. Daryl and I will put in a joint effort.

I have neglected to pray with my kids until recently. I didn't think about them being old enough. However, when we dedicated them to the God in our church, we meant it. It wasn't just an empty act.

My good friend Cheryl wrote on her blog about her kids praying before bed, including her son who is the same age as Miranda. So we have begun praying with Miranda before bed. We haven't started making it a habit with Molly yet, but are taking a step at a time.

Miranda has really taken to praying. She gets so excited because she is the center of attention. She has both of us on either side of her bed, and we all put our hands together. She prays in an uninteligable language, known only to God. Then she will say "Mama, Daddy, Grandma, kitties." Then she gets off track and point at my nose, or the light, or something. She has yet to include Molly in the list of people she thanks God for. After she is finished we will usually pray a short pray of thanks for everyone and forgive us for our sins. She is a sweetie.
Thank you, Cheryl for being a good influence.

1 comment:

  1. Awww...that is so sweet! I love that you and Daryl are in there with her together!
